2014 Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial: Puppy Adoption Time
I think that I have found my favorite 2014 Super Bowl commercial and the game isn’t even here yet. Budweiser always does a great job with their commercials and this year it is one about a puppy who loves a horse. He will do anything that he can to get to spend time with his friend even if it means escaping under the fence to get there.
By the end, they realize just to go with it and let the puppy be with his horse. I love this commercial. It brought tears to me eyes and is one of the best I have ever seen. If you haven’t check out the Budweiser 2014 Super Bowl commercial yet, then you can see it in the video below.
I would love to hear what others think about this great commercial for this year’s big game. Let me know in the comments below if you love it as much as I do! Whoever wrote this one, did a great job with it.
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