Review: Ghostbed Real-Time Cooling Pillow for A Great Night’s Sleep

Disclaimer: According 2 Mandy received a free Ghostbed Pillow to try, but the opinions here are my own.

Pillows are one thing that I buy a ton of and never like them. I have tried pillows that are $10 up to over $100. Recently, I got the chance to try out a Ghostbed pillow, which is a real-time cooling pillow. I might have finally been won over by a pillow.

Ghostbed Pillow

This pillow is firm but feels great at the same time. One thing that I love is that it doesn’t seem to be losing the shape at all. So many pillows get flat right away and that is not happening with the Ghostbed pillow. I have been using it and don’t feel the need for a second pillow either. I will be curious to see if it stays the same shape after a year or so of using it.

A few things that Ghostbed pillow offers are pretty great as well. When you buy one you get a 101-night sleep trial, free shipping and an industry leading 5-year warranty. These are all nice advantages that are offered by Ghostbed.

So do you remember those nights of laying in bed and flipping your pillow back and forth? It is hot outside and you are trying to keep it on the cool side. When you use this pillow, you don’t have to do that at all. It is so great to just have a pillow that feels cool. The price of this pillow is $85, which is a bit hard to spend on something without trying it, but with the sleep trial, you can get your money back if you hate it. A lot of places don’t offer anything like that at all.

Have you ever tried out Ghostbed Pillow? Let me know in the comments below!


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