Does Chelsea Gheesling Think Dan Can Still Win ‘BB14’? Find Out Here!
Last night was crazy on the “Big Brother 14” live feeds. Dan Gheesling found a way to convince Jenn to use the power of veto on him and today she saved him from elimination. I spoke with his wife Chelsea after the POV Ceremony.
She still thinks that Dan has what it takes to win the game. She said that they talked about emotions in the “BB14” house before he left. Yes he has made a few people mad, but Dan feels like once you go into the jury house you think about the game more. She said that people let their emotions calm down and think about who deserves to win instead of who they are mad at right then.
Rachel is a perfect example. Last year she made a lot of enemies, but she was still able to win the game because they knew she was the best player. Hopefully this is what Dan can do this season!
If you want to know what else Chelsea thinks about his bold move, you can read it here on Examiner.
Make sure you follow Chelsea and Dan both on Twitter.
I think Dan will be able to win the game. I completely agree that when they are in the house they let their emotions take over, but once they are outside they realize that it is a game and they are voting for who played the game the best. I haven’t been able to watch any of the episodes live, but I always make sure I catch it in the morning on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. It will automatically skip over the commercials for me, so it gives me time to get ready before I have to head into work at Dish. Dan is a mastermind and has been playing the game very smart this season. I think he should win just off of his last move. I cannot believe he was able to convince Jenn to use the POV on him! I cannot wait to see all this played out on Wednesday’s episode.
Chelsea its been a pleasure learning more about your and Dan’s loving relationshhip.It shows in the way he speaks about the both of you with complete adoration in his eyes.I must say it was very
nice of you to share him and his crazy antics with us for another season,i know it must’ve been hard to let him go.Thank you and may God bless the both of you always.”GO DAN”you can win this again.:)
Hope he takes Danielle to prove he was indeed the Best Coach Ever.
please don’t let dan win. he has already won $500000. it should be someone elase that wins. dan is very dirty player. he should not even think of going back to big brother. please let ina ar danielle win. alot of peoplewill not watch bb again if dan wins.
the onlyh reason i watched big brother was because of the control over the house that dan had ,,,,the true mastery of deception and manipulation to make people do exactly what he wanted and they all did….if big brother were to bring dan back and i say they will because he is truley the greatest player of all time they will definitely have more followers…..what is with lets give the money to the nice person and not the person who best played the game and controlled the house i find that petty and not whatb the game was meant to be..i think that the public should decide on the winner and not a jurry that is petty and spitefull because they got out played and nocked out by a particular house guest and in this case its dan the greatest of all time “all time”..stein out
I think dan should win on the simple fact that he figured out a way to come from him and Danielle being the only ones in the beginning with her coach to the end. He is very smart man to eliminate everybody and still be standing to the. remember its just a game and whatever it takes to win is acceptable in my book Great game Dan
I have mix feelings about BB14, I see how Dan has used Daniella and it so remines me of how a man abuses a woman, emotionally. But then the old saying first time, shame on you, second time shame on me, third time you
Deserve what you get, that makes me wonder if she can think for herself. Could she not say to Dan, you need to trust me and felt Dan on block. But after Dan evicted Shane the girl then throws the HOH comp to him, An old southern saying stupid is, as stupid does. I hope she has a least learn to count to ten before she does her next
Stupid mov
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